Turns out it's hard to make a VN when you're a comic writer

Hello everyone! It's been a long while since my last devlog update, mainly because I was focused on delivering the game and thought I had no time to spend on constantly updating this page. 

However, I've come to realize something important: even when I try hard to set deadlines for myself, the truth is that I want to complete these tasks in a way that leaves me satisfied.

From a certain prospective, many aspects of this game could have been accelerated. But then I asked myself, why rush? Is there an urgency to release this game as soon as possible? The answer is no.
This game, this little story, is primarily a project for myself. That's precisely why I want to polish it, even though I'm fairly certain that most people won't notice the difference between the unrefined product and the final one (I don't mean it in a negative way; just think of the two cakes meme).

And that brings us to the title of this post.

In fact, one thing I spent a LOT on time on is... the sprites. To the extent that I've accumulated so many, I'm struggling to use the right ones because I can't find them amid the chaos of the sprite folder! Turns out I also suck at naming sprites, which only adds fuel to the conundrum. 

Moreover, the more detailed the facial expressions are, the more precise the accompanying text needs to be to match these expressions accurately. I blame my innate comic writer tendencies for this, although I suspect I might have been a bit of a menace regardless. So, well, there you have it.

The upside (there must be at least one, right...?) is that I believe this visual novel will be exceptionally expressive and humorous, especially since Jacob and Monica have whole arsenals of facial expressions at their disposal. The downside is that the completion of this visual novel is taking much more time than necessary, solely due to my clownery. But, since this doesn't bother me too much, I'm okay with that.


As I put the new sprites (there are too many of them) on the script I realize the text also needs some polishing to match the expressions' variety. This work is taking forever but we do make progresses and the game will eventually come out in the next weeks. And I hope it's good enough to excuse the delay.

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